“The Only Thing Necessary For The Triumph Of Evil (Men)  Is For Good (Men)  Do Nothing.” (By: E. Burke)

About us

Alpha and Omega Anti Crime International Task Force


The best and ultimate non-government organization (NGO), anti-crime, anti-terrorist and anti-espionage, anti-illegal drugs and against all forms of criminality national (here in Philippines) and international, the (AOACITF)-Alpha and Omega Anti Crime International Task Force, and its special forces, dubbed (ESSSOC)-Elite Special Secret Service Operative Commando.


AOACITF was established and developed in response to a rapidly increasing criminality here and worldwide, with the capability to gather information, casing and through overt and covert intelligence means, and address a huge enemy force.  


AOACITF is capable of keeping the citizenry abreast with local and international information and developments that will enable them to act with more purpose and decisiveness.


Among other things “AOACITF” also provides the following:


  1. Information about significant social, economic, and political developments before they happen;


  1. Advice on how the information may affect the citizenry;


  1. Information on key decision-makers in both public and private practice to enable the citizens to and to re-evaluates their motives, intent, and philosophy;


  1. Better anticipation of business and economic trends that can be of benefit to all citizens;


  1. Filtering and redirecting the vast flow of information coming from unwanted or misguided sources;


  1. Assistance in determining terroristic and lawless and organized crime groups acts or with individual persons with terroristic tendencies within our communities;


  1. Assistance on how to deal with enemies, individual elements as well as organized crime groups of the state; and


  1. Prepares the citizenry for the increasingly complex challenges of the future.




First: Alpha Omega Anti Crime International Task Force, Second: Purpose and Purposes’;


1. To assist all our law enforcers as concern Filipino Citizens and to coordinate and to enter into (MOA) Memorandum of Agreement with the OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT, SUPREME COURT, DOJ, OMBUDSMAN, DND, AFP, PNP, NBI, NEDA, DILG, NICA, IMMIGRATION, ALL PHILIPPINE BASE EMBASSY, BUREAU OF CUSTOMS, MMDA, LTO, NTC, DOTC,  and All government Agencies, All Bureaus, together in one common goal against the evil, Satanic inspired attacked of these terrorist and it’s terrorism in our country and to coordinate and to attune with the United Nation’s endeavor its Counter-terrorism international campaigned.


2. To fight all groups or individual whose activities are inimical to our national interest and to cooperate with the international community, the United Nation’s international security measures against terrorist attacked headed by OSAMA BINLADEN and his cohorts, (The ALQAEDA) NETWORKS OPERATIVES and their heinous crime overt and covert acts of terrorism). We the citizens of the Republic of the Philippines are against squarely and intensely condemn any form any forms of these acts of criminalities and we condemn all these inhuman, ungodly and demonic inspired groups / satanic activities and we are against such practices and these are as follows:


  1. Organized crime groups, kidnapping, major drugs rings, and gun

 trafficking whether national and international.

            b. Economic and political saboteurs.

 c. Hostile intelligence and hostile men in uniforms, car napping, whether national and international.


 d. Detection of acts of disloyal and grave misconduct of those men in uniform in the military, police  / or any elements including members of the community intelligence / C.A. / D.P.A. / of any government agencies and bureaus, and all para-military elements that are abusive to their ephemeral / temporary given authority.


 e. Muslim Extremists and or members of Abusayaf Groups and or anyone and or in any way in linkage to alquaieda networks with their local counterpart Jemaiah Islamiyah here in the Philippines like octopus tentacles of their international terrorist operatives.


 f. To detect Religious leaders that are using their position with subtlety causing people to commit sin and / or victimizing innocent people: ( and no wonder that Satan could transform themselves into an angel  of lights, deceitful workers in the form of holiness, but Satan’s soldiers, Satanic inspired, religious leaders in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly full of dead bones and ravening wolves, causing men to fall into sins and to perform such criminalities, they are blind guides and doom for hell Divine punishment in the abyss of Hell Fire).


3.To fight all forms of Graft and Corruptions, white slavery, mal-practice of some lawyers, hoodlums in robes illegal recruiters, fake doctors, exploitation, etc.,


4. To initiate, develop and support the restorations of true nationalism, independency, genuine display of democracy, prosperity, Godly Morality, orderliness, and peaceful country and as well as globally.


5. This association / organization is not forbidden by any organizations, association nor their rules, regulations, code of discipline, any competent authority or by authority, constitutions, / or any religious group, sect, or church of which it was form apart.


6. To implement of the raging programs and projects of the government for the benefit of our fellow citizens, covering of their spiritual, moral, intellectual, physical, and their social well-being.


7. To foster brotherhood, patriotism, Filifinisms, cooperation, cooperation among its members through moral and Spiritual Values Formation continuous seminar and to be always fair to all and in all our dealings at all times. 


8. The following are ordered target priorities envisioned and mission by this association / organization such as:


              A. SOCIAL WORKS - to be of help in the enhancement of our

      Filipino ideology, advancement of the true cooperation, Filifinism, through free social missions, medical, dental, and gift giving , implements physical fitness, high standard of our educational endeavors, as well as charity works especially in the depressed area and to extend our help to those inflected by man-made or natural calamities, especially here in our country as well as our Global responsibilities as member of the United Nation.



                          B. BROTHERHOOD To promote and develop warm, close, relationships, Fellowships, unity and brotherly love among its members and a brotherly love to others as well, and be always fair of its dealings and always be at peace to all, here and abroad.


                          C. CLEAN POLITICAL MANIFESTATION: To support morally upright leaders and spiritually inspired by God The Father of Lights, figure leaders of our country and our future hope leaders from the position of the President down to lowest rank of Barangay Chairman, kagawad and to barangay tanod level. To protect them and give them constant warning if they will and are no longer walking in accordance by the will of God and are no longer walking in accordance by the will of God and to live up-rightly as a leader of our country.                                                           


                        9. To undertake top priority assistance to all members and to all areas of our country inflected by natural and man-made calamities abroad.


                        10. To help raise the level of our low income Filipinos and of all unemployed members adult, out of school youth and will serve as to assist all government pilot project programs that can be a minor, replicated and emulated by other civic organizations, associations, any NGO’s and the local government units not only in the urban area, Provinces, but also the entire nation and abroad.


                        11. To assist develop the whole nation’s community, build houses, schools, hospitals, health Canters, rehabilitation Centre’s for drugs dependent in order for them to be treated well and freed from the hook of the forbidden drugs, and from the drug Lords, and or drug pushers.


                        12. To prevent the Filipino family from disintegration, free and continuous counselling, to study God’s Words through (Biblical, Moral and Spiritual Values program support services), and continuous training for behavioral dynamic change training / seminar and psychological modification’s seminars of all the members.


                        13. To assist the government, social awareness and participation in responding to the needs of street children, beggars, rugby boys and girls, acetone’s girls and boys, drug victims, rape victims, abandon and broken families, assist them putting and or endorsing all of them the right particular government agencies, especially DSWD that would take care of them.


                        14. That this organization / association shall be empowered and be sustained through donations, to hold grants, exchange, bequest, purchase, or entrust, and receive by way of monetary contribution here and abroad, from friends, subsidiaries’ firm or entities, and entire citizenry desiring to assist the association’s organization's objectives, missions, visions, its endeavors whether domestic or foreign partners in fighting against all forms of criminalities.


                        15. To establish, operate and maintain the operating funds in order to provide economic and financial assistance to all indigent and poor families, calamity victims and continuous with their aids until they becomes capable and self-supporting whether domestic or foreign funding and to help and support in fighting of all forms of criminalities as concern citizenry.



                        16. To coordinate, cooperate and try to unify all peace-loving citizen for a more effective execution of the organization objectives, either civilians, and government bodies, both national and international communities.


                        17. To attend national and international seminars, conferences, camping, symposium, meeting, propagation of moral and spiritual values for all in order to attain the successful implementation of their mission and objectives of the associations / organization, and kindheartedly love our country so dearly, and if die, we die.




A. To lead and motivate

B. To accept full command responsibility

C. To implement it constructively

D.To provides support, and pursues justice

E.. To lead by personal example

F. To delegate responsibility

G.To inspires and provides continuous education

H..To leads members to Father God Almighty, The Creator

 I..To lead the way in the course of our service, job well done & with honesty, integrity, discipline, modesty, person and responsibility, trustworthiness, unity, loyalty, patriotism, sacrifice, secrecy, intelligence, partnership & sharing, services & investigation.             





The AOACITF will provide all available assistance to the legitimate government of the Republic of the Philippines-Maharlika, and all other countries that support integrity, freedom, equality, justice, righteous Leaders, good governance, and protect human rights and the universal declaration of human rights and the love of God.


The AOACITF will exercise professionalism, provide continuous education and training, and imbue among its members the values and traits of: alertness, resourcefulness, creativity, initiative, bravery, loyalty, patriotism, and intelligence, and integrity, faith in the Almighty God, courage, and respect for humanity.


The AOACITF will support the state and the constitution, the legally constituted authorities, and will advocate the love for God and all humanity.


AOACITF will be at the forefront in the fight against all forms corruption and criminality by providing assistance through data and intelligence gathering through its general membership.





The AOACITF will become a major anti-crime, anti-terrorism organization that will protect the citizens of the Republic of the Philippines-Maharlika from all forms of lawlessness emanating from local, national or international axis sources.




  • Core values


AOACITF subscribes to education, training and development, and nurturing each member by enhancing their expertise and their capabilities. Equal attention is also given to the understanding and implementation of respect for universal justice, the sanctity of human rights, and respect for the dignity of man. Members are expected to act with integrity, justice, modesty, honesty, trustworthiness, accountability, reliability, moral honor, and sacrifice.. 









“Prosperity, execute judgement, righteousness, and justice in the earth”.

     (Jeremiah 23:5, 6)




Loyalty with patriotic love of our country, to love our Fellowmen and the love of God above all; Loyalty to the Republic of the Philippines-Maharlika, its flag and Constitution; and Loyalty to the “AOACITF” organization and its leadership, officers, appointed leaders, chairmen and agent and bodyguards and to obey the general orders; and Policy, Obey all laws and by-laws and defend and fulfil the purposes & Purposes,  advocacies with fully dedication, Godly Fearing and sacrifice; with the full commitment to love and support one another as brothers and sisters and to love God above all.(I John 3:16).




  1. To lead the way

  2. To show the way.

  3. To share the way.

  4. To motivate.

  5. To accept full command responsibility and be accountable for one’s actions, and provide constructive support for all endeavor.

  6. To lead by personal example.

  7. To delegate responsibility.

  8. To act with determination and be open to all forms of suggestions or criticisms.



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AntiCrime International